Sunday, August 10, 2014

Das Goethe Haus!

Goethe Haus - front entrance
An astonishing range of interests and work!
The study - and part of Goethe's many collections
The library
Goethe's modest bedroom and the chair in which he died!
Another view of the study
The charming paths and gardens around Goethe's home

Above are pictures from the Goethe Haus, the writer's home for almost 50 years and a reflection of the many aspects of his work and personal life.  These are pictures of the front of house, formal living spaces, private living and work quarters.  Goethe was a great collector, with a private art collection of 26,511 items, a small number of which are on display in the Goethe Haus.  His estate also included 22,000 natural scientific specimins.  Note the fourth picture, with a side library of 6000 volumes and a study where Goethe wrote much of his poetry, scientific and theoretical treatises.  The next picture shows a small bedroom off of the study, where he slept, read, and died in the chair next to his bed.  It is remarkable to walk through this immense building and to see the intellect, curiosity and genius of this amazing man.  

from Kuenstlers Abendlied (Artist's Night Song)

Ach, dass die innre Schoepfungskraft
Durch meinen Sinn erschoelle!
Dass eine Bildung voller Saft
Aus meinen Fingern quoelle!

...Wie sehn ich mich, Natur, nach dir,
Dich treu und lieb zu fuehlen!
Ein lustger Springbrunn wirst du mir
Aus tausend Roehren spielen.

Wirst alle meine Kraefte mir
In meinem Sinn erheitern,
Und dieses enge Dasein mir 
Zur Ewigkeit erweitern.


Ah, if only the inner force of creation
would resound through my mind!
If only a shape filled with spirit
would flow from my fingers!

Then, how I long for you, Nature,
and feel so faithful and dear to you!
You will become for me a merry spring fountain,
gushing from a thousand ducts.

You will enhance all the powers
 of my mind,
And amplify my narrow existence here
to eternity.

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